Rice & Apple

Boil/steam apple to tender - blend.
Boil brown rice - blend.
Mix them together.
Add some breastmilk/formula (optional).

Uncooked Puree

Blended banana OR avocado.
Mix with few spoons of breastmilk/formula milk.

Pureed Potato

Boil potato, and blend.
Add some breastmilk/formula milk.

Add on any preferable pureed fruit/vege.


Boil oatmeal
Add on pureed apple OR pureed banana OR pureed prune OR pureed dragonfruit.


**Puree can be put in freezer and safe for 4 weeks.**


Boil carrot to tender - but i prefer steaming sbb ia kekalkan khasiat makanan.

:: Blend boiled carrot
:: add breastmilk/formula milk mengikut kepekatan yg dikehendaki.

Broccoli & Cauliflower

Boil broccoli & cauliflower to tender - but i prefer steaming sbb ia kekalkan khasiat makanan.

:: Blend boiled veges
:: add breastmilk/formula milk.

Cream Chicken Soup

2 ketul chicken on bone
1 medium sized onion - diced
2 tbsp butter
full cream milk
salt and pepper

Panaskan butter, tumis bawang hingga naik bau.
Masukkan ayam, gaul 20 saat n masukkan air, perlahankan api paling rendah (utk dapatkan stok ayam).
Bila ayam dah sangatlah lembut, masukkan susu, salt n pepper (jgn strong sgt sbb utk kanak2), n juga flour mengikut kepekatan yg disukai.

Serve dgn pasta.

Daging Kicap

Daging segar dicincang halus - perap dgn kicap
Sedikit halia - hiris
1 garlic - hiris
1 shallot - hiris
1/2 limau nipis - pastikan biji dibuang.
Garam sikit je.
Olive oil.

Panaskan olive oil, goreng daging sampai masak.
Masukkan halia, garlic n shallot.
Masukkan air kalau nampak kering, masukkan limau nipis.
Rasa garam - tak perlu keterlaluan, cukup sekadar plain je.

Makan dgn sayur kukus.